Photography by RUBY VILLALOBOS
April 14-17, 2017
A close to midnight show at the Speakeasy at Coachella Valley's Vestal Village featured a stripped down set from Ethan Burns with the Ragged Jubilee on the coolest Airstream mobile pop-up stage. No microphones? Not a problem when Chandler (bass) lends his voice and Ethan (vocals/guitar) can easily amplify his voice enough to make their presence known. A true testament to how important dynamics between band members is.
Saturday called for a high noon plugged in set on the main stage in front of the pool. Sunscreen = totally necessary. It was electric and full of grit and everything an entertaining show should be. The crowd was treated to old and new songs alike that are included in their new album. You could tell that they have a genuine love for music and give all they've got each time they perform- and the crowd definitely noticed.
Sunday's farewell to Vestal Village included another stripped down set at the Speakeasy with a blend of original songs and crowd favorite covers (ie. Neil Young). Proving that a little rock and roll is the best hangover cure.
If there's anything to learn from this, it's that a lot of determination goes a long way and the ability to roll with the punches and adjust to new situations is key.
Farewell to Vestal Village and the desert. Until next time.